In agreeing to be mentored, the mentee is committing to the following: 

  1. To fully participate in coursework outlined in their curriculum plan. 
  2. Communicate with mentor at least four times each semester:
    • More frequent communication is encouraged. Initial email from mentee to mentor should be sent within one week of match announcement. 
  3. To proactively contact the mentor to make them aware of any obstacles which may hinder academic success 
  4. To review and understand the Chamberlain University withdrawal policy specifically how it impacts them academically and financially. 
  5. To attend meetings with mentor (when applicable). 
  6. To be responsive to communication outreach from your mentor. 
  7. The mentee understands that in the event they are in violation of the student code of conduct, the mentee may be removed from the program. 
  8. The mentee understands that if they feel the program is not meeting their expectations, they will reach out to Student Life for guidance.